Legal Notice
Better Bill GmbH
Rosenthaler Str. 34
10178 Berlin
Tel. : +49 30 270007330
Contact email :
Managing directors : Frank Dietel
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Hamburg, HR B 92004
USt-ID Nr. : DE239294700
Approved as a debt collection service provider according to § 10 paragraph 1 RDG
Entered in the legal services register under 7525 G 1 KG (11/21)
Registration authority
Elßholzstr. 30-33
10781 Berlin
Bundesamt für Justiz
Referat VII 5 (RDG)
Adenauerallee 99-103
53113 Bonn
Professional regulations
- Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz (RDG)
- Einführungsgesetz zum Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz (RDGEG)
- Rechtsdienstleistungsverordnung (RDV)
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution. You can find the platform at
Note according to § 36 Consumer Dispute Settlement Act: We do not take part in a dispute settlement procedure.